What have I Done Today? Nothing… As far as I can remember. What Tools have I Used? None. How do I Feel? How do I Feel about the Project Today? I feel OK.
What have I Done Today? Met with Kaospilot alumni Anna Edwall who works as a programme manager at VINNOVA, the Swedish Innovation Agency. Cancelled a lunch with one of my mentors.
What have I Done Today? Had a meeting with Henrik Edlund at the company Making Waves in Stockholm, talking about an application of the web, one of his personal side-projects. Ate lunch with my mentor Jessica Cederberg Wodmar.
What have I Done Today? Working a little on my Learning Design for the deadline next Wednesday. Met with a IT- and software company for Linked Open Data called MetaSolutions AB.
What have I Done Today? Finalized the preparations for the workshop about Freedom of Information Facilitated the workshop with Per Hagström of Allmanhandling.se, Jens Finnäs at Journalism++, Nils Funcke and Peter Krantz.
What have I Done Today? Met with the futurologist and author Magnus Lindqvist. Had a chat with my high school mentor and class leader Gustav Bäckström. Started preparing the workshop about the Freedom of Information platform at FrågaStaten.
What have I Done Today? Participated in a workshop for creating a vision to an organisation Taken time to relax. What Tools have I Used? Positive and Negative Brainstorming Wall of Visions Appreciative Inquiry - Asking Good Questions How do I Feel?
What have I Done Today? Travelled by train. Listened to podcasts, especially Radio Open Source. Lost personal immeasurables - which I will remember forever. What Tools have I Used? Factual Listening.
What have I Done Today? Talked with David Lindeby at Experio Lab which works with design thinking in health care, it is owned by Landstinget i Värmland. Spoke to Mikael von Dorrien at Nordic Innovation regarding the NASA hackathon in 2013, and NI’s work on Nordic Open Data strategy and challenges.
What have I Done Today? Finished second day of Learning Design workshop Photo What Tools have I Used? How do I Feel? How do I Feel about the Project Today? What Surprised Me?