What have I Done Today? Finished reading the chapters from Theory U. Joined the first Theory U.Lab in Aarhus at Kaospilot. Had dinner across the teams at Kaospilot! "A disruptive change affects not only our outer world, but also our inner self.
What have I Done Today? Continued class with Andrew Taggart. Started forming team wide learning group with Team 20. Had a great call with Angela, the organizer of Hack For Sweden 2016.
What have I Done Today? Participating in another philosophical class about perseverance and endurance with Andrew J. Taggart. Sent e-mails to a bunch of people for potential project collaboration. "Philosophy is a Loving Struggle"
What have I Done Today? Participated in a philosophical class with Andrew J. Taggart. The topic was toughness and the downsides of relativism. Put your fucking self on the line. - Andrew J.
What have I Done Today? Watched a video on the idea of an open source future Finished reading the book “On Trust: In Business, Politics and Life” Watched the second episode of “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace: The Use and Abuse of Vegetational Concepts” by Adam Curtis.
What have I Done Today? Almost finished hacking together a forked website for open data which I'll mention in the future posts. It's a part of my HTML/CSS learning journey.
What have I Done Today? Had a good lecture by my team leader about Value & Impact which mentioned radical thinkers like Ivan Illich, Mannfred Max Neef and Donella Meadows.
What have I Done Today? Finished the Application! Had a talk about socializing Started the Theory U course on an online platform run by its creator Otto Scharmer. Great introduction. Curious to explore how it can help me unfold my highest potential for the exam project.
What have I Done Today? Basically spent the whole day writing on the application to make it as clear as possible. Had a good talk with a friend about work, free time and engagement in different projects.
What have I Done Today? Went to the library and worked on the application. I worked in the staff office. Pretending to be someone I was not. But it was a good and relaxing atmosphere.