What have I Done Today? Re-Designed some of this website, learning more about HTML, CSS, Git and Jekyll. Had guidance with a member of staff. Very interesting talk. Met up with a team mate I had not taken the opportunity to hang out with one-on-one during the previous two years which is absolutely crazy!
What have I Done Today? Worked on the project application at the library again for some hours. I observed and It's a truly astounding space representing how Saw the documentary "
What have I Done Today? Went to the library in the city to get a better focus for work. It worked very well! Although there was a lot of activity it really supported me in focusing with Pomodoro Technique.
What Have I Done Today? Half-finished my SWOT awaiting more input from peers based on the Hacked E-Myth entrepreneurial personalities. Gotten in touch with organisers of a corporate event that might be of interest for my exam project.
What Have I Done Today? Read around twenty pages in the second chapter of the book "Building Trust - in busienss, politics, relationships and life" by Robert C. Solomon & Fernando Flores.
What Have I Done Today? Worked on the Scope Wheel during the morning. Along with the S.T.E.E.P.V. model mapping out the positive change I wish to bring to areas & systems in society.
What have I Done Today? We carry this old bag of the old world behaviour and rules into digital alternate realities. - Mat Lincez Had a short lecture today facilitated by Mat Lincez who works with Applied Foresight at Idea Couture.
What have I Done Today? I participated in the formation of learning groups today with Team 20. As many times before this one it was a long, fun but also frustrating process.